Happy Labor Day! 

It’s time again to celebrate a holiday started by workers who got together to fight for their rights and dignity. 

Nobody else was speaking up for them so they had to speak up for themselves, right? 

One day out of the year, working Americans–those who put food on the table by earning paychecks–should pause to honor those fearless heroes! 

Remember this: it is your own labor which makes the world go round . . . it’s time for speeches, BBQs, and traveling to visit family and friends!

Personally, I think this is a very sweet tradition if slightly old-fashioned . . . I believe we need to update the celebration!

I suggest instead of barbecues and picnics, it’s time for working people to push for something new, something different, something . . . more exciting! 

Here are a few new features of how the holiday could be celebrated:

  1. Rich people have to say “I’m sorry” to you all day long.
  2. Rich people have to work for you for on Labor Day.  You’re their boss!
  3. You get to borrow one of their luxury cars (or fancy yachts) for the whole day.  If you decide to use your own car and have an unexpected engine problem, you get to call one of their chauffeur-driven luxury cars to come and pick you up.  The chauffeur takes you to a five-star luxury hotel (with a pool!) while your car gets the loving attention it needs (they pay) 
  4. Every negative thing you’ve ever said or done at work during the past year is wiped clean from your personnel file as though it never happened (including pranks, napping, & surfing the net.)
  5. Best of all, one day a year salaried workers are allowed free access to all the bank accounts of the richest people in the land. 

Yes, you will be allowed to withdraw funds from the bank vaults of the very richest people: the Billionaires! 

Hey, it’s Labor Day, right?  Where did all that hidden money come from if not from the labor of ordinary people like you and me? 

What better way to celebrate the day than to give workers a chance to pay themselves a good chunk of the money they earned and which is rightfully theirs?

Now that’s a holiday celebration I’d really like to see!

Happy Labor Day!!


PS  Don’t forget to set the alarm.