
One of the things that bothers me the most about Big Boss and his Big Steal attempt is that so much of the phony-baloney was based on the notion he should have won the election.  This obviously is Trump’s “version of reality” which was religiously accepted by a bunch of his cronies and legal mouthpieces (including Rudy Giuliani, whether drunk or sober) and then welcomed, quickly spreading, among his most ardent supporters: the fanatical base like-a-cult.

The Big Lie makes absolutely no sense unless one ignores facts and subscribes to the curious and problematic notion that Trump was so popular he “could not lose” unless someone (the devious Democrats) managed to steal it from him.  Although this is recent history, I think some pundits are forgetting a few things, such as the long list of reasons why astute observers might have seen Trump’s defeat coming.

The number of people he insulted or demoted, the number of gross exaggerations and bald-faced lies he told (carefully counted and preserved for posterity), the number of shocking and incomprehensible utterances that came out of his Narcissistic self-centered personality: the list kept growing rapidly while at the same time the strength of the emerging anti-Trump movement kept increasing at a remarkable rate.

This is the condensed version of “Why Trump Lost”; there’s a longer version available on  I have also tried to abbreviate the theme with a simple acronym for readers to remember:


which stands for Pandemic + Economy + Narcissism.  It is my argument that these three items alone made Trump an unpopular pariah and incapable of re-election.  “I may be right, I may be wrong” but to my way of thinking, the GOP and its rightwing should stop acting so surprised that their man lost.

Truth to tell, a more realistic estimate of the American people’s disillusionment with him should have alerted pundits that Trump had a diminishing chance of winning, all talk to the contrary notwithstanding (such talk was unjustified).  He lost because he could not earn the respect and trust of a majority of Americans.

That’s the plain and simple truth!