Dedicated to the Great American Scholar

W.E.B. DuBois


On the Positive Side

On the Negative Side

The Crafty Ones

When Do White People Lie?

Scholar’s Note

The Natural Borns

Why Do White People Lie So Much?

Writing the Victor’s History

What They Do For Fun

A Partial List of Lies

  • In The South
  • Across the Continent
  • Around the World

Conclusion: A Reminder of White People’s Two Favorite Lies

Note to Self

In Honor Of

Post Script


I am not sure if this is a serious essay with humorous thoughts or a funny reflection with an abundance of sanctimonious barbs; perhaps one, perhaps the other—perhaps both.  It is odd growing up in America with access to a good education and yet with few teachers along the way to help the thoughtful student answer difficult underlying questions:

  • Is human nature inherently good or bad; is human reason able to overcome the harm done by selfish individuals; are the so-called “races” of humankind (based on skin color) inherently equal in character;
  • Do the vicissitudes of history contain within them their own explanation or do racial and national traits also enter the picture, uninvited or otherwise? 
  • In short, do white people lie more often than other races and non-white national populations? 

It is my contention that they do.  I have not the time or the inclination to attempt a proof along traditional academic lines—years of research, umpteen sources, a barrel of footnotes—and it’s just as well.  If my thesis is correct, it won’t make any difference.  White people can lie with academic precision as often as they do with the other kind: the crude, cruel, vulgar racist assertions that we knew all too well from the last 500 years of history, if not longer.

            For that matter, ministers, professors, and politicians proved quite adept at promoting and benefiting from both kinds of lies, from the crude to pseudo-scientific (the latter long since fallen into disrepute).  It’s easier to deal with the obvious than the subtle; so let’s just pick one example and say: white people were quick to depend on African slave labor.  They created a galaxy of lies to justify their exploitation and oppression—when all that needs to be said is they had the advantage in guns, ships, and technology. 

They took what they wanted by force and covered it up with an endless parade of deceitful excuses and moronic rationalizations.  Their main motivation force was greed, pure and simple—everything else was secondary.  But I get ahead of myself: first, the essay on “Why White People Lie”.  Belonging to that race myself, I ought to know, eh what? ��

The rest of the essay will soon be available through Amazon.

Dec. 19, 2020