The president has complained there are too many homeless people in San Francisco.  This is, according to him, the fault of Governor Gavin Newsom and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (two of his most feared critics!)  The Internet provides these statistics:

“As of 2014, the city is believed to have approximately 7,000 homeless residents.” 

Now, regarding New York City:

“In August 2019, there were 61,674 homeless people, including 14,806 homeless families with 21,802 homeless children, sleeping each night in the New York City municipal shelter system.  Families make up more than two-thirds of the homeless shelter population.”

I believe the president is known to have a connection with New York City.  Perhaps individuals like him who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones but try to get their own house in order. 

Every big city in the country has hundreds or thousands of homeless people.  In part, this reflects the growing inequality in wealth accumulation between the top 1% and ordinary people near the bottom who can’t afford skyrocketing rents and mortgages.

The president is supposed to address the needs of the whole country; it is his responsibility to come up with creative solutions to help all Americans.  He is not supposed to be insulting and uncivil to other leaders just because he’s upset over the big mess in which he finds himself. 

He acts in a petty and boorish manner so frequently because he has no sense of what true statesmanship looks like.

Let him come up with positive legislation as to how the federal government could help states and cities reduce homelessness.  The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution includes the phrase to “promote the general welfare” as one of its guiding principles.  Let him do so if he is able! 

Otherwise, he is just puffing himself up like the Narcissist that he is, a man who has to lick his wounded ego by striking out whenever things do not go his way. 

He shows little empathy for anyone (let alone the homeless!) while his bullying attacks on others only serve to reveal his cynical and embittered nature.              �YYba�