The NRA position has more than one apparent fallacy in its reasoning.  The most obvious one is this: guns make us safe.  This actually is a laughable idea since all evidence points to the contrary.  America has been inundated with guns for a very long time.  There are millions of guns all over the place.

Meanwhile, the amount of violence committed with guns has not slowed down at all.  To the contrary, it has reached epidemic proportions, has it not?  Hundreds of persons are killed yearly with guns; check that thought, the number should read “thousands” of persons are killed every year with guns.

Guns make us safe?  Guns don’t make us safe!  Just go ask the families of those thousands of persons killed by them every year.  How many more are wounded and maimed?  The idea that a weapon used to murder makes us safe is flatly contradicted by the evidence and testimony.

If the possession of guns will make us safe, and we have had guns available since the Colonial Period, you would think American citizens by now should be the safest people of any nation and totally free of gun violence.  Has that happened?  Look at the actual historical record: when did this “Safety” effect first begin showing up, pray tell?

Hasn’t it occurred to anybody that more and more guns means just the opposite, increasing amounts of violence and not greater safety?  If the latter were true wouldn’t we all be as safe as a baby wrapped in a warm blanket rather than hearing of an endless stream of murders on the news night after night after night?

Where is this supposed safety that guns bring to a society?  The NRA’s position contains the biggest fallacy imaginable, that guns mean safety.

The historical record down to the present tells us that this is false and that just the opposite is true: the prevalence of guns means the wider spread of brutal violence, senseless deaths, and an unending succession of tragic murders.

That is the truth that no amount of posturing by the NRA can deny.

Among the many questionable views of the NRA, this one hides the largest fallacy of all!