No offense good Americans, but I do believe our beloved Supreme Court has gone berserk!  The conservative majority appears to have abandoned any understanding of democracy and heartfelt commitment to the Constitution.  Several of its recent decisions seem to bear out the contention that this Court has become nothing but a “privatized” tool in the hands of the rich.  At best the Justices quibble, hem, and haw before making their decisions . . . and at worst they side openly with the oligarchy and not the people.

This is truly a bourgeois Supreme Court in so many ways!  It approves of unlimited spending in campaigns by American billionaires; it limits every attempt by universities to create diversity on their campuses to reflect America; it quibbles over recess appointments by the president but turns a blind eye to wars waged without a declaration from Congress!  Ever so, the legal branch covers and excuses the unconstitutional war-making of the Executive Branch.

These Justices appointed by conservative Republican Presidents are certainly serving their masters, the way a slavish dog licks the hand of its master.  The most right-wing Justices appear to have given up on any pretense of fairness in deference to becoming the willing henchmen of the fabulously wealthy and politically powerful.  The coming demagogues of the next election cycle are being “pre-approved”.

This is a Court that needs to be reformed and have term limits imposed upon it with terms of no more than a few years per Justice.  It is time to clip the power of nine persons making law for over 330 million Americans; it is time to stop these nine (just five, really) Justices from imposing their preconceived notions of what’s “good for the country” upon the rest of us.  The Constitution is designed as accessible protection for the people, not as a document that only a few legal-beagle justices can interpret to their own liking.

It’s time to protest this Court and propose substantial changes to its composition and length of appointment.  This Court is doing more to destroy the fabric of American democracy than any other institution or social class in recent memory; if we do not stop this Court, it will destroy American democracy!

Hark ye and mark ye, take this warning not in vain!!!